Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Elle and Lincoln Have Something In Common

Tomorrow is the 200th birthday of president Abraham Lincoln.  (And he doesn't look a day over 199.)  It is also the 7th birthday of my Elle girl.  So I will wake her up singing Happy Birthday, take her to school, and then proceed to shop for her birthday class party.  That's right, I haven't done a thing to prepare for this.  We are up to our ears in boxes, primer, and paint trying to move into a smaller, but free, house.  I will take her a cookie cake (she doesn't like cake or icing....explain that to me, please), balloons and goody bags for all her classmates in the afternoon after a full morning of preparation which should have happened weeks ago.  I really should be Mom Of The Year.  (Said with sarcasm.)  In 2 weeks, Little Drummer Boy will have his 5th birthday, I think his party will happen in March.  Seriously.  I will let you know when that time comes.  
For now, we will do something special just for Elle with a few close friends on Sunday afternoon.  This is not the best weekend for everyone, but we'll do a movie anyway.  By the way, she has a loose front tooth.  Very wobbly, but she won't let anyone pull it out but Daddy.  She has come into the kitchen at least 4 times since being sent to bed, wondering when he will be home to pull it.  "Tomorrow morning," I say firmly yet again, warning her that the next time will result in dire consequences.  Hopefully, that husband of mine will be able to pull it in the morning, or we may go through all this again tomorrow night!


Jodie | Velour said...

HOORAY! I am so glad you started this! I can't wait to get to know you better. {Don't let that make you nervous.} I already love you. :)

Where are you moving, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister of mine! I thought I would leave a note to you, and tell you that I really like your blog... keep writing!!! words and music both .. I love your expression!! love you and miss you, Blessings!! Debbye