Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No Signs of Slowing

We have a house full of sick people.

Biker Man has been laid up with stomach issues.

Ellie has fever and the same issues as her father.

I started feeling sick early this morning, but I'm managing to keep the nausea at bay.

Little Drummer Boy?

He has the symptoms of a virus, but nothing is slowing him down.

He has been running circles around the house, singing, dancing, laughing.

I don't know how he does it.

He came into my bed this morning, put his head next to mine and said, "Morning, Mom! It's your Drummer Boy!"

Oh, to have that vivacity.

He doesn't give in to the first sign of illness, but laughs derisively in the face of biliousness, proceeding to show his true mettle.

(Why, yes, we have been reading books with talking animals, dwarfs, British children, and a lion, set in the realm of Narnia.)


Kelli Guilbeau said...

Get well soon. I've heard of several families that have gotten sick lately. In fact, I went to work at my mom's office for a little while yesterday because both of her secretaries were out sick. Their whole family was home sick.

It definitely is not fun. Take care and let me know if you need anything. I can always leave what you need at your doorstep, that way I don't catch it. haha

Love ya,

ellie and me said...

Thanks, Kelli! I will let you know. It has been FUUUNN!! :)