Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All God's Creatures

Ellie loves animals. (She used to say aminals.)

All animals.

Every single creature.

God created all of them, so what's not to love, right?

That's her mentality.

She was so ecstatic to catch yet another friend yesterday.

Calm down. It's only a garter snake. Great for the garden.

(Maybe it should be called a garden snake. That's Drummer Boy's opinion.)

Ellie knows the difference between poisonous and non poisonous reptiles BECAUSE I freaked out last year, when I came around the corner of the playroom, and there was a copperhead in primed striking position. At the other end of the stick pointing at it was Ellie.

After I got between the snake and my little zoologist, I maneuvered us (walking backward at a glacial pace) to the house.

Then I fussed at the aforementioned zoologist.

"But, Mom, I was just playing with him! He liked the stick!"

We had a long discourse on poisonous reptiles, complete with pictures from the internet.

It was a long time before I could track down my heart, slow down it's rapid palpitation long enough to insert it back into my chest cavity, and take a deeeeep breath. Sleep eluded me that night.

Some of my friends say their children's Guardian Angel has gray hair.

Ellie and Drummer Boy's Guardian Angel is putting in for retirement.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Oh gosh...you made me laugh out loud with this one! Too cute. I will say an extra prayer for their protection tonight. :)