Drummer Boy tries to take on the big issues all by himself.
All alone.
I'm glad he doesn't hold it all in. He shares his opinions with us.
But today, he broke my heart.
"I'm probably going to hell," he sobbed, as we sat on the couch together.
"Why would you say that, son?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Because I never get picked for anything in kids' church!" He wailed, falling into my arms.
Okay. We have a big children's ministry. There is no way they can pick everyone. It's a great children's church. Second to none.
And also, wow, what a leap of theology to make all on your own.
I turned to him immediately and said, "Son, you're not going to hell."
"How do you know?" he sniffled.
"Because, you asked Jesus into your heart, right?"
"Uh huh," he nodded.
"And you're living for Him, and talking to Him everyday?"
"Yes," he looked up at me hopefully.
"And when you disobey, do you ask Him for forgiveness?"
"I do!"
"Well then," I explained, "You are going to Heaven, because the Bible says that if you believe in Jesus, ask Him to be Lord of your life, and live your life with Him as the Center, you are going to Heaven."
"But then, why don't they pick me at church?" (He just wouldn't let that go.)
"Maybe because you're jumping around when it's time to be quiet?" I tried.
"Well, I do get excited when I go up there," he admitted reluctantly.
"The most important thing is learning about Jesus, and worshiping Him, not getting picked," I told him.
"And I'm not going to hell!" Drummer Boy proclaimed triumphantly.
That was easy enough to explain to my son, but how many times do I impose what has happened to me in The Church as what God thinks of me? Making up theology based on your personal experience alone, is always dangerous, especially if you don't check it out with God's infallible Word.
I'm just saying.