Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Wonder why you get disappointed in friendships that fade?
Wonder why you get underwhelmed when relationships seem so superficial?
Wonder why you feel so incomplete when you're hanging out with all those people whose opinions should be the ones that matter?

His whole life we would imitate; his whole character we would transcribe. In all other beings we see some lack, in him there is all perfection. The best even of his favoured saints have had blots upon their garments and wrinkles upon their brows; he is nothing but loveliness. All earthly suns have their spots: the fair world itself hath its wilderness; we cannot love the whole of the most lovely thing; but Christ Jesus is gold without alloy-light without darkness-glory without cloud- Yea, he is altogether lovely.
~ Charles Spurgeon


The Sullivans said...

thats awesome !!

Tammy said...

Ooooh! I needed that. Beautiful! Thank you madam! :)