The night before I was to leave, Pastor Scott called me from THP and asked me to come expecting to receive at the retreat, not just pour out to the ladies. He wanted me to not worry about distancing myself to prepare before the sessions, but to be involved with the breakout sessions, to plan on receiving during the small group time.
When I go somewhere to lead, I always give out, sing what God has given me, willing to let the Holy Spirit move through me and not think about what I'm getting. That's pretty much what I think God has always expected of me when I go somewhere to lead worship.
But not this time. I had an amazing experience. I received way more than I poured out, I can tell you. It was not at all what I was expecting. These women were not the norm. They came ready to receive, but everyone was ready to pour out to each other. They took every opportunity to pray together, and build each other up in their faith. It was a privilege to be part of their ministry, their friendship, their lives. I came back ready to pour out some more!!
I also got a different perspective of how God sees me, and how I view Him and my relationship to Him. Change is taking place. It's wonderful.